Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tugas akhir


1.1 Background
The era of globalization has long demanded a paradigm shift in all areas, one of which is the field of marketing. Increasing levels of competition in the local and global business and the conditions of uncertainty is forcing companies to achieve a competitive advantage in order to win the competition in global business ..
Competitors faced an industry no longer come from the local area or geographic region, but the global giants from abroad comes to competing for market. Every industry is experiencing globalization triggered by four main factors, namely Cutomers, Cost, Country, and Competition. khasiat daun
At this time many emerging companies - companies that diverse forms of business, which indicates that the business world is moving forward. In developing its business a company must also pay attention to the elements - an important element in marketing management which consists of product, price, distribution, and promotion
Marketing is generally seen as the task of creating, promoting, and deliver goods and services to consumers.
Marketing is at the core of all business activities, because marketing is the liaison between the company and the consumer
Promotion is one of the variables of the marketing mix is ​​very important, which is implemented by the company, in marketing products or services. Without the existence of promotional products received less attention from the consumer or the consumer does not even know anything about the product.
In general, companies will always try to keep growing and be able to compete to achieve the company's goals. In order to achieve the company's objectives required an effective promotional strategy. Promotional activities undertaken by a firm course requires an adequate budget for the objectives to be achieved is to increase sales can be achieved. Target promotion can be achieved if the company allocates adequate promotion costs, and the presence of adequate promotion costs are expected to assist companies in marketing their products. manfaat kolang kaling
Based on the general description of the above problems, the authors are interested in discussing the issue of costs is attributed to sales promotion by taking the title "Effect of Volume Sales Campaign Against Fees tiles at. Maher tile Prime Jatiwangi Cirebon Branch Sukabumi "